Mel C, on 13.12. in Vienna, reveals sensational plans.
“Before Christmas there will be our traditional meeting with all Spice Girls and all of our eleven kids. There we will also talk about our future plans. One thing is already planned: in 2012 comes the Spice Girls Musical “Viva Forever!”” Sporty Spice Melanie Chisholm (37) reveals the sensation in the ÖSTERREICH-Interview. After Queen and Abba also the Spice Girls will release an musical.
Chisholm: “It’s a fictional, very child-likeable friendship-story surrounded by our hits. It’ll be made by the producers of Mamma Mia and our movie Spiceworld. Maybe we will record a brand new song for it.”
For the world premiere in London, the Spice Girls will reform in autumn 2012 for the first time since 2008. “Of course we will be at the premiere“, explains Mel C. Afterwards Victoria Beckham & Co. plan to send the musical around the world. “We had the luck to have been one of the last globally successful bands. In addition to that the music and also the storyline are worldwide compatible. With this, we will stay in the talks for the next 15 years.”
The Vienna-Date wouldn’t be before 2013
They even already think about an Austria-run. Mel C: “Vienna has such an unbelievable, ground breaking musical-tradition. Of course we want and will bring it to you as well.” It won’t be before 2013 - already before that, on 13th December, ÖSTERREICH presents the solo-concert by Mel C at the WUK in Vienna. A mini gig full of hits in front of 500 people. Chisholm: “I’ll play the best-of-program. I have so many solo-hits that there’s no room for Spice Girls songs.”
Author: Thomas Zeidler
Translation: Melanie C Online